Monday, December 30, 2013

Most Popular Posts of 2013

Here are the my top 10 posts from this year. Check them out if you missed them...(all are links)

1. Hippie Method: Frugal Eating
2. 20 Inexpensive Summer Dates
3. All is Right in My World (Pesto Chicken)
4. Key Tips for Organizing Kid's Clothes Rule of 5
5. New Year, New Styles
6. 10 Strategies for Conquering the Chaos of Toys
7.  Junkin' it With BHG
8. Home Schoolers Get it Free
9.  Not Techie Home Schoolers
10. I'm Back

But, those 10 posts only present part of the picture. They are the posts with the highest views, but they aren't necessarily what I consider my best posts of the year. Heart-baring and good writing aren't always pin-able. (Pinterest was my biggest traffic source this year.)

These next 16 posts are the ones in which I invested a piece of myself before I hit publish. They are posts of heart and weakness, grace and dependence. (captions are also links)

-The Posts You Never Publish
-Christian Polar Paradigms
-Purity Vs. Virginity
-Forgive Me Father, for I have Sinned
-Blogging: A Trust
What Moments Do You Struggle to Enjoy?

Who Knows You?

Harassed and Helpless
When Motherhood Knocks You to Your Knees

Becoming a Student of Providence

Art of Home Making
Makes a Man Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

Sound the Retreat

Protesting Symbiotic Blogging

Not Just the Eye of the Beholder

A Lick and A Promise

These posts represent a tenth of what I wrote in 2013. Over 250 posts prayed over and published. I hope that each time you visited Barefoot Hippie Girl you were challenged and encouraged and motivated to keep on keeping on.

Happy Monday!