Some words and pics to sum up my year...
New friends in low places (Borneo). Well, technically, it is
mid places, since the area we visited is right on the Equator. But, it is much lower than here. That's for sure.
Travel. The smallness of the world and the convenience of travel. We flew to the other side of the world and spent 1 month in Japan and Indonesia last winter. We also travelled as a family to Oklahoma and Texas. Plus I took in a smidgen of South Carolina for the Allume blogging conference.
Safety. In travel. In every day life. In my husband's roofing and siding business.
Water. Clean, cold, potable water. Hot water for dishes and showers. Dependable running indoor plumbing.
Washer and dryer. Here in the US of A, we are blessed to have clothe's dryers that the majority of the world live without. We are not dependent on the ebbs and flows of weather to have clean and dry clothing.
Renewed family relationships. I think one of the biggest hidden blessings of losing a close family member is the healing it has brought to family relationships. There is a new awareness of the importance of family and the absence of any assurance of long life and long relationships. Life is too short to spend it in petty fights.
Bicycle. I didn't even own a bike at this time last year. I have clocked over 700 miles on it, and I love almost every one of them.
Rest. I don't think I picked a word for 2013, but in retrospect I would definitely say the direction of the year was rest.
Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
-Athletics. This was our year for and participating in two. We are seriously hooked. We ran in 7 races-spanning from 5k's to 25k's. We did our first bike race...33 miles. We swam. We biked. We ran. That was our schedule from May through September. It was amazing!
Conferences...namely, a blogging conference. Attending Allume this year was a balm to my soul. I heard great teaching and attended very helpful seminars. I made some good friends and renewed older friendships. One of the sessions sparked some thoughts that got me moving in a brand new business venture...
leaving on a jet plane...(January) |
Tokyo (January) |
Java resort (February) |
enjoying the Indian Ocean (February) |
Javanese fishing boats (February) |
New friends in Borneo (February) |
hosted a cheese tasting party, which was a great time to reconnect with all our friends here after being gone so long (March) |
A spring day in the life...(April) |
my new wheels (May) |
The retreat I cooked for (June) |
exploring Chi town (July) |
the love of my life (July) |
Sleeping Bear Dunes (August) |
Art Prize (September) |
My 35th birthday (October) |
Turkey Trot (November) |
my how they all have grown up since January!!! (November) |
Abundance of snow (December) |
My word for 2014 is
New business venture (online meal planning subscription service with menu, recipes and grocery list incorporating delicious and healthy food at frugal price points.
She Plans Dinner prospectively will launch in March).
New ministries.
New dreams.
New directions. New 31 day series...
New Year, Renewed You... Check back each day in January for a small action you can take to daily renew your heart and soul.
I am excited for 2014. How about you?!