Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Homeschoolers Get it Free

Home schooling is a cheaper option than private or Christian school, but that doesn't mean it is cheap. It can be very costly buying new books and supplies every year for multiple children. And if you are using an internet or satellite option, it is even more expensive.

LC trying a new look...nerdy?
Something that comes up on my FB feed rather regularly is Women Get it Free. It's a deal site that advertises quite thoroughly on FB. Must be demographics or something.

Well, today I'm here to tell you that home school moms get it free too. There are resources available that are free. I have five freebies I have regularly plumbed...

mom: I go to my mom for home school books that my siblings have out grown. Things like math, reading, and science textbooks. My mom started home schooling in the late 1980s. The pictures may be a bit outdated, but reading is still reading. You start with simple and move up. Math principles haven't changed, though colorful illustrations may have been added to the newer editions.

So, you may not have a mom who can pass textbooks down to you, but maybe there is someone in your life who invested in curriculum but is no longer home schooling. They may be willing to pass it on to you-for a modest rate or for free.
My mom with my niece

library: The local library system is my greatest ace in the hole. If my own branch doesn't carry what I am looking for, I can order it in. I use the library for books on countries and people, as well as the reading materials my kids use every day. We make a trip to the library weekly to get new materials.

Our local library also has many free programs. There are story times for non-readers, and reading programs with incentives for readers. There are shows to do with music and magic and animals.  

internet: I am very thankful to be living in the modern age of google! What can't you find out by googling it? Nothing I have yet to search. My top internet site for school is Wikipedia, the encyclopedia of this generation. I look up the elements on the periodic table for science, the US Presidents for our timeline, the countries we are studying for geography and so much more.

Freckles researching Lord Nelson for grammar. Meres getting in on the action.

I also use the internet to find poetry to memorize, and currently we are plumbing the depths of americancivilwar.com for our Friday studies on that subject. YouTube has a lot of junk but it also has many educational videos on all subjects.

Though I am not connected with any, I know there are many online home school forums. Based broadly on homeschooling or more specifically on things like teaching styles.

And never underestimate the power of Pinterest for a homeschooler. There are science projects and crafts, free organizing downloads and pep talks for your heart.

mentors: There are many women in my life who are either done with the home school journey or considerably farther on than I, that I approach for advice. Most woman are more than willing to share from their experience. Mentors can include both women you know IRL, and ones you have met online. I have both. A favorite online homeschool/life unofficial mentor is Lisa Pennington.

museums: Most museums and attractions have free days annually, if not on a monthly basis. It can be a real savings to take advantage of. Also, all the national museums in DC are free. Always. If you live near our capitol, or are visiting in the area, it is totally worth it to visit. There is tons to see, even just in the Smithsonian Square area.

What free resources do take advantage of? Besides me, and my regular column, of course.=) Share your ideas in the comments.

Five Homeschool moms, five unique lists of free resources. Please take time to check out what these other women have to share.
Homeschool For Free by Chareen
A Sample of Free Curricula by Hwee
10 Free Websites to Help Homeschoolers by Savannah
Best Free Educational Resources  by Julie