So, while the Barefoot Hippie clan is barefoot and hippie-ish and proud of it, we aren't too tech savvy. When I read this week's homeschool post theme, (favorite iPad or Droid educational apps) I once again cringed. Because, we really don't use a lot of apps for school-even though we have an iPad, an iPhone, an iPod Touch, a laptop and a desk top computer.
We are more paper and pencil and book type home schoolers. Those tools that were used way back prior to the 21st century...
No, we prefer to use our online and computer time for such mindless pursuits as blogging, FB and twitter (me) and watching reruns and playing video games (the offspring)
That being said, I do have a few apps that I use for educational purposes. Few being 3.
Wikipanion (free) Whenever we are doing science or history, we use Wikipedia. It is very helpful, and the links within links are awesome.
Multiplication Genius x19. ($0.99) I recently purchased this app for Freckles. My goal for him this summer is that he will be able to rattle of the multiplication facts through x12 before we restart school in September. This is a game format, plus it has all the facts through x19. I figure that several games a day will cement these in his mind. Money well spent.
The Story Mouse Talking Books (app is free, individual stories cost $1.99) This is LC's favorite app. I like it because it keeps her entertained. But, also because each familiar story is read by a man or woman with distinct British Isle accents. Why wouldn't that be a great thing? Regardless, they have decent illustrations and all the words are on the page. Each paragraph is highlighted as it is being read. This is great for word recognition. Especially if you are into your child learning to read with a British accent.
Once again, a short and sweet post. I'm sure the other girls will have a more rounded lists. What are your favorite educational apps?
*Btw, this is our last Tuesday home school post until the beginning of August. I have enjoyed writing on the subjects, and I hope you have enjoyed reading them. I will still be writing for Tuesday's though, so don't think you get a pass.=)
Chareen's favorite website's and apps for learning
Hwee's technology: a few considerations
Nicole's iWorld of homeschooling
Erin's if I had an iPad...
Julie's husband created an iPad app to help with multiplication
Savannah's 20 free learning apps
Lucinda's favorite homeschool apps for kids and mums
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
NOT Techie Home Schoolers
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