Aka...a day in the life-summer version
Yesterday my alarm chirped (literally-it is set to crickets) at 4:45. I got dressed, drove to the pool, swam a mile, and took my first shower of the day.
Mr. Hippie and I then headed to our local bagel shop for our Monday morning weekly scheduling and prayer meeting.
By 7:00 I was home, starting breakfast for the kids and throwing in the first load of laundry.
7:26 saw me out the door for a 3 mile run.
8:00 came and went, as did I. Switched out running shoes and baseball cap for bike, gloves, helmet and biking shoes. 16 fast miles.
9:05 marked the beginning of my second shower of the day. This time I put a bit more effort into my coif when I was done. Switched the laundry.
My brood and I were out the door at 9:45 for a 10:00 meeting.
We then drove from that meeting to a friend's house by the lake. We ate lunch and chatted, and the kids played and we hung out at the beach and it was an all around meeting of the minds and hearts.
So encouraging. Such a blessing.
So encouraging. Such a blessing.
We got home from the beach about 10 minutes to 5. I preceded to wash that sand right out of my two girls' hair. And then folded the load of laundry that was started earlier. And checked my email. And made dinner. Which only required chopping up half a watermelon and reheating some pulled pork.
But it had to be done before 6 so the kids could eat and be at VBS by 6:30.
But it had to be done before 6 so the kids could eat and be at VBS by 6:30.
After dinner I cleaned up the dishes, I swept the porch and dining room, watered my herbs, folded the second load of laundry (and put it away) and started a load of beach towels.
At that point in time I had a choice-mindlessly troll social media on my bed in front of the air conditioner or write a post.
I think you know what I chose...
The day finished up with a stop at the ice cream store on the way to pick up,the kids from VBS. I was prostrate on my bed in front of the ac by 9:15.
And that is why I don't have a post for today....