Winter is the time when smart creatures hibernate. Why didn't we get that wired into our DNA? Well, maybe humans did, we just hibernate differently than bears.
We fill up with goodies and extra poundage over the November/December holidays, then we bundle into hats, scarves, thick-wooly socks, and fluffy quilts, and bury ourselves in bed for January and February.
Who says we don't hibernate?
We peek out occasionally, but for the most part, just kind of stick to ourselves. Rather anti-social and seasonally depressed.
Unless you take off for somewhere exotic. Like the Barefoot Hippies. Yes, we are sweating it out in the jungle right now.
Us Barefoot Hippies do traditionally take a travel in the winter months of January and February. Though it is a rather crummy time to visit anywhere above the Equator. Mr. Hippie is a roofer by trade. (I keep suggesting Barefoot Hippie Roofing, "Specializing in Hip Roofs" as a new business name, but he isn't buying it.) January and February aren't prime roofing months. Roofer hibernate during this time.
But, if exotic traveling isn't in your budget, maybe a break in your hibernation still is a possibility. How about planning and hosting a group gathering? I find that they are just the ticket for breaking up the winter blues and doldrums.
As a matter of fact, our gathering is on the calendar-for one month from tomorrow. We will be back from all places exotic, and will be de-jet-lagged. And we are going to be ready for a party.
You can do a couple's party. Or a family party. Or a single's party. Whatever life stage you are in, there are plenty of options. The goal is to just get out and do something! Here are a couple ideas to get your wheels turning.
BW3: Last year we hosted a wing night. (here) Each couple brought a flavor of wing, and a side or drink. I made Macaroni and Cheese for the kids. It was a wonderful time of laughter, catching up, and good food.
Sledding or Skating Party: snow is helpful for this. But this is great for families, or not. Everyone can be involved. End it up with a pot luck or cookies and cocoa.
Game night: Haul out the board games or group games. Games like Scattegories or Pictionary. Risk and Settlers of Catan. Eat snacks or don't.
Cheese Tasting: "Something old, something new, something goat and something bleu." We have been wanting to do this for a while, and our inspiration for this years' get together can from one of my favorite bloggers, Design Mom. She has an awesome post about all things cheese tasting party. (here) Cheese, wine or fruit juices, and accompaniments. Very sophisticated. Or, at least, that is what we are telling ourselves.
Home Spa: haul out the girl friends and the chocolate, nail polish and sugar scrub. Hanging with the girls is always a great way to lift moods.
I have found that the secret with parties is to do your hostess work-planning, inviting, maybe some cooking, and then let people kick back and have fun. Not everyone is a people person, but most of us do love catching up with close friends. Hopefully this has sparked some juices in your creative mind.
What is your favorite group way to beat cabin fever? Leave me a comment. I am sure we all would love to get more ideas.