I don't know who had a link, or how I got there, but let me tell you, Design Mom has been food for my soul ever since.
Design Mom is a site of beauty. And design. Let me share her welcome...
"My name is Gabrielle Blair. I'm a designer and mother of six. We currently live in a (dreamy!) farmhouse in the French countryside. I post on where design and motherhood intersect."
Gabrielle Blair has an eye for beauty, and her web site overflows with gorgeousness. It inspires the latent artist in me. It brings a small chunk of beauty to my everyday.
And I love it.
Gabrielle posts at least 2-3 times each day. She has posts on house designs, dyi crafts, scenes from the French countryside, books for kids and adults, and great ideas for living beautifully. (have I said beautiful yet?)
Gabrielle has an impressive resume' both in the professional and blogging worlds. She is one of the founders of Altitude Summit, a blogging conference. She is credited with starting the ideas of blog giveaways, and buttons swaps.
Oh, and she has 6 kids. And she and her husband make fun, popular "movie shorts" of their kids.
My kids would tell you that shorts are those 2-4 minute self contained movies at the beginning of feature length films.
And while Olive Us shorts aren't attached to any feature length film, they are a much anticipated event every week or so in the Barefoot Hippie Household.
Every time I get an email from Olive Us, I gather the kids around, and we watch and laugh over the latest episode. Even Meres wanders on over to dance to the theme music, and watch the clips of the kids.
I like them for several reasons...
Catchy "french" sounding theme music.
Several of the kids have cute freckles, and they always are in darling outfits.
They teach good values-like helping out at home.
They teach skills-like making cookies, or dips.
They teach industry-like setting up a lemonade stand, or visiting a French Pastry shop.
They show siblings getting along. I know it is a film, but the idea is there nonetheless.
There is biking, and picnicking. There is scrubbing and gardening.
There is biking, and picnicking. There is scrubbing and gardening.
There is beautiful glimpses of France, and of America.
Whether you have kids or not, I hope you will check out their site (here), and subscribe to their "shorts." Here is a sneak peak of my kids' favorite. (I couldn't figure out how to embed the movie, thus the link)
Doesn't that just make you want to visit France-just for the pastries and bread. Oh yeah!
Do you let your kids watch internet/YouTube videos? What are your favorite series? Why?
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