Thursday, July 16, 2015

Speaking Brave

My goal this summer is to have several Iron Man weeks. (not days. I'm not completely insane.)

2.4 miles in swims. 112 miles on the bike. 26.2 miles in running. 

Last week I stated this goal on FB. And guess what? I didn't meet it. Do I feel bad about stating my goal? No. Do I feel bad that I didn't meet my goal? No. I had a cold which made me feel lousy, my bike got another flat, the kids had swim lessons to work around, and it just didn't happen. Do I feel bad that I also had to say on FB that I threw in the towel on that goal for last week? No. I don't.

Besides, I'm trying again this week.

I mentioned on Facebook (in the same post) that I think we quite often hesitate to state our goals. We will announce when we have met a goal, but often we will play our cards close to our chests until we've accomplished what we've set out to do.


Are we afraid of failure? Of flack?

I'm all about setting goals that are within reach but that also cause me to stretch a bit. Meaning-goals that are accomplishable, but that are going to take some hard work. Yes, there is a possibility of failure, but there is also a good possibility of success. And what does it matter if I don't quite reach my goal? I've probably gotten a whole lot farther than I would have if I never defined a goal.

Failure really isn't much of a deterrent for me. Because rarely is anything a complete and utter disaster or failure. Experiences will be a learning curve, but progress is still made.

I've loved Caddie Woodlawn's quote ever since I first read it..."if at first you don't succeed, try, try again."

If I publicly state my goals, and fail to reach them, I also publicly state my failure. Maybe that will involve eating some humble pie. But, that's not going to hurt me.

Often when we publicly share our hopes, dreams and goals, we get flack about them from others. This can be

You shouldn't do Iron Man weeks-it is taking too much time from your kids. You shouldn't do Iron Man weeks-it's not good to push your body so hard. You shouldn't do Iron Man weeks-you are insane. Your house needs cleaned. You family needs to eat something other than leftovers. You're...

Some people haul out the big guns of guilt and shame, whenever we are brave enough to share what we are aiming for. Often for reasons that have nothing to do with us and our goals, they heap on discouragement and other downers.

There will always be naysayers.

But, then again, there is much good from stating your goals. Accountability. Encouragement. Focus. Motivation. Responsibility. Ownership.

It's a way to breathe life into something that may be rather fuzzy and undefined.

There will always be the people in your corner. Maybe they aren't the vast majority, but they are the ones who cheer you on and believe in you. The ones who encourage you when the way gets rough and tough. The ones who hold your feet to the fire when you just want to give up. The ones who stand alongside you and say that it's okay, whether you succeed or not.

Stating your goals is a way to share the journey and process (and not just the end results) with others.

Also, it is worth saying, that stating your goals does not have to happen on a social media platform. It can be to your BFF, or spouse, your small group, or anyone. Anyone besides just yourself.

And another also...your goals, hopes and dreams are going to look different than mine. That is all the more reason to share. We all benefit when we all share our differences.

I am going to write a book this year. I am going to lose 10 pounds before school restarts in the fall. I am going to paint my kitchen. I am going to learn _____ .

Is there a goal that you need to state loud and proud for the world to hear?