Monday, July 13, 2015

A Little Bit of This and That...Life Lately

I feel like it has been forever since I wrote last. It almost gets to the point where I wonder if I will ever write again. Sigh.

So many thoughts. Most of which just have not perked enough yet to be written. Some are too private to write.

I had a cold last week, and I ended up taking naps several afternoons instead of writing. I had a goal of doing Iron Man mileage last week, but that just didn't happen. I rested, and rested, and rested some more.

I didn't even hardly cook. I made Mac & Cheese for my brother in law's 40th birthday party last Monday. We ordered pizza Tuesday. Ate leftover Mac & Cheese on Wednesday. Did Olive Garden on Thursday. Am I proud of that? Not really. But, at least we ate. You do what you gotta do.

Today I am feeling pretty good, though I did take a nap. Instead of writing. Or vacuuming and dusting. I am aiming for my Iron Man this week. I know, I know. A real Iron Man has an 18-20 hour time limit. I'm taking advantage of every one of the 168 hours in my week.

The boys finally won a baseball game last Thursday. 9-0. I was amazed (as I think their coach was) that there was actually a team worse than them. I did feel awful for the other team. But, I was proud of our guys. And I think they were pretty pumped too. Finally to score! Finally to win!

As for the girls...well, they are just clicking along. Still sharing the top bunk so that McGuyver can sleep in the bottom bunk. Meres got a Goody hairbrush for her birthday that they both have been loving. Seriously-they could make their own commercial. They tell me every time I brush their hair that this brush doesn't hurt. It makes their hair shiny and soft. So, for those of you with girls who want to is a retro looking brush, for thick hair. It has those beady long bristles, and short clumps of bristles. The combination works magic.

I've been reading and reading a lot lately. Some on my Kindle. Some in paper and ink form. I just read Shauna Niequist's Cold Tangerines. It was her first book, and very similar to her other essay books. I really enjoyed it. I also read 800 Grapes by Laura Dave. It is getting mixed reviews, but I really liked it.

Mr. Hippie has been really busy with work. Which is pretty typical of summers for us. Since he does run his own roofing and siding business. We are thankful for the work. But the summer days sometimes get long.

We are settling well into our new church. There are Which has been a blessing. We do open Sunday School in the summer, and I taught yesterday. It was great to teach again. I do love telling stories to kids. Because they love stories. Well, actually, I think we all love stories.

I am gearing up to teach a VBS the first week of August. My theme is Lonely but not Alone. And I am telling the stories of Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego; Daniel; Elijah; Balaam; and Jesus. He is the only one who was ever truly alone, and He bore that so that He can always be with us believers. Such a blessing.

Anyway, that's a glimpse into what's happening around these parts lately. Here's to hoping I get more writing done throughout this week!