As I've been typing the word wedding this week, I've realized how easy it is to hit too many e's and type weeding instead. Which, in the case of my week, is actually okay. Because I attended a wedding, and am also intending to do a whole lot of weeding.
Mr. Hippie's youngest sister got married on Saturday. Mr. Hippie is #2 of 11, so there ended up being 17 years between him and his youngest sister. It was kind of scary that several members of the wedding party were actually closer in age to BMV than to us.
Speaking of BMV, he did his ushering quite well. I was proud of him. No terrible awkwardness. No big faux pas. Ironically enough, the worst mistake was sitting people towards the back, and not the front. I think he was just going on his basic church seating model. Everyone always wants the back seats at church. No one wants to sit in the front rows. So, he and his cousin seated people accordingly. An honest mistake that we discussed mid-seating...Ah well. Live and learn. Amazingly enough, the runner unwound like a charm and the row dismissals also went smoothly.
So, now all but three of Mr. Hippie's siblings are married, one of whom will be tying the knot in August. That would be the sibling in this photo. Who was rather engrossed in the Beverly Hillbillies. Which is how we kept our kids entertained during the photo session.
I loved Jennifer's dress-especially the skirt. It cascaded down in lots of fluffiness. It was gorgeous. She was gorgeous.
Some people decided that weddings are not the most fun activity in the world. I mean, the knocking around with your cousins before and after is. But, sitting for the ceremony? Not so much fun.
I decided to try for another family picture, since we were all dressed up. But, for some reason Mr. Hippie and his tie were doing some unfortunate leaning...Maybe next time...
Meres was completely thrilled with her cousin's flower "pebbles". These two are going to be the flower power at the next wedding. Which Meres is also totally thrilled about.
Speaking of Meres...I just heard a song that describes her to a "t'. Perfect Storm by Brad Paisley. "Sunshine and a little hurricane...she never rains, she pours." Sigh. I love her. She and LC loved dancing at the reception. They have no inhibitions. They don't care what anyone thinks of their moves. I think that is awesome! LC started bawling about 9:15. She was so sleepy and wanted to go home. Actually, that song fits both our girls.
I made LC a special hair do for the wedding. I am pretty sure I spent more time on it than I have cumulatively spent on her hair this year to date. But, I loved how it turned out. Her hair is thick and gorgeous. I wish mine was like hers.
This photo is important because it is the segue into the weeding portion of my post via the good view of my perennial garden in the back ground.
My goal for my perennial garden is lots of bang for as little buck possible. And by buck I mean, time is money, and money is money. And I want to spend as little as possible of both in my garden. Low maintenance is the name of the game.
My perennial garden sees lots of shade, so I have to work with a very limited repertoire of flowers and plants that thrive in mostly shade. I have been cultivating this garden for a couple of summers, seeing what works and what doesn't. Perennials tend to grow in their footprint throughout the years, which means that plants that worked next to each last year, might need some moving this year.
I spend a couple weeks in early May watching how things are coming up this year, and then I start planning and scheming. What needs moved? What can stay? What needs thinned? What needs uprooted altogether?
I've got my plan, and I'm implementing it this week. Because school is done, as is the wedding, so I have time, and it doesn't matter if I chip my nail polish.
The first spring I spent major time on this garden, I repurposed an old bookshelf to use as a type of raised bed. It has now rotted pretty thoroughly, and I pulled it out. I had great potting soil in there though, so I am going to add some manure to it (gross! I've never used manure before) and scoot my two ever-bearing hydrangeas over a bit. And I am going to add a third hydrangea. That corner of the garden gets a decent amount of sunshine, which will benefit the hydrangeas. And manure is supposed to be good for them too. We'll see.
Other than that, I have a plant of some sort that has yellow flowers. I am going to move that where the hydrangeas are, as it is getting overshadowed by the plant next to it. I might purchase one more perennial this year besides the new hydrangea. Perennials are such an investment-between their sticker price and their life span. I will fill in the empty spots with some colorful annuals.
Then I need to get working on my vegetable and herb gardens. The kids have been turning the soil in my green bean patch, so it shouldn't need too much preparation. The tomato patch is a disaster though. Lots of weeds and junk. I have the plants to put in there, I just need to whip it into shape.
And herbs. My oregano, thyme, chives and tarragon all came back this year. Which is par for the course-except for the tarragon. I've never had that come back before. I do have to weed out those pots, and then plant some new basil and parsley. Looking forward to garden fresh pesto.
The next few days are supposed to be warm and I think we are almost past the really chilly nights. I will be spending some hours out in my gardens. I can't wait to see how everything turns out.
Are you up to any weddings or weedings?