Thursday, July 31, 2014
Ode to Summer
Oh let it never end...
Well, I guess that doesn't exactly sum up my feelings about summer. I do want it to end. When it is supposed to end. Officially on September 20th, and unofficially on September 2.
But not before.
I am all for living in and embracing the current season. Not wishing for the next one. (The exception to the rule would be winter to spring. I start hoping for spring about January 1.) I will do minimal planning, if necessary, but that is about it. (My school books are ordered and my curriculum is set. It is all ready for me, when I am ready for it. I've planned a trip to Spain in February, but I am not stewing more over it right now. I'll leave that dreaming and planning for later.)
My dreams and posts and Pinterest boards are not filled with sweaters and boots and scarves and apple cider and donuts and soups and school supplies.
I'm still in the throws of salads and grilling, shorts and bathing suits, naps and beaches and outdoor concerts.
Maybe it is because I am a home school mom, and thus my kids are with me 24/7/365, but the start of school is not something I am counting down the days to in excitement.
School doesn't mean freedom for me. It means teaching schoolwork for hours everyday. It means less time for running and biking and swimming. It means more schedule. And more nonnegotiable scheduled activities.
I do look forward to the start of school for the basic fact that I am excited about our module for Friday school. (Ancient history before Alexander the Great)
Fall means crisper temperatures (love), but it also means shorter days. Which I really don't like. I like light. From 5:30 in the morning until 10:00 at night. I feel myself withering as the darkness gets longer and the days get shorter. The best thing about Christmas is that the days start getting longer from then on out.
Fall really is my favorite season. It has been for a long time.
But, I am not wishing for fall. I am loving summer. I am enjoying reading tons of books. I think I have read at least a novel a week for the past 6-7 weeks.
On Tuesday evenings in during the summer, our family attends an outdoor concert series. We meet up with the BFF and her family, bring a picnic and listen to great (or sometimes mediocre) music. Last night Freckles was counting up the remaining concerts (2), and said with a sigh, "that means summer is almost over."
I get you, bud!
But, while it may be almost over, we still have an entire summer month to live. To live in the present. To not worry about the changes or schedule of fall. To not overly and eagerly anticipate the changes or schedule of fall.
An entire month to stay up late reading books. To catch fireflies and swim in lakes. To be bored and to rest. To celebrate birthdays and anniversaries. To can tomatoes and peaches. To just be.
What will you do (or not do) to really live in summer this last month of summer 2014?