Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 6: Paint Your Wagon

entire series here

I said some of these posts would focus on our relationship with God. Some would be investing in relationships with other people. Today's task is purely for our own enjoyment.

Paint your nails. Fingers or toes...really doesn't matter.

Painting your nails-fingers or toes-forces you to stop for a while in order for the polish to dry. We don't want to mess up the paint job after putting the effort into doing our nails.

Painted nails look pretty. Meres asks me to put "pretties" on her nails. Pretties-not polish.

Painted nails say, "I care about my appearance."

Painted nails are feminine and girly.

Painted nails are a cheap way to get gussied up. Painted nails take things beyond the every day mundane of yoga pants and dish washing.

Painted nails provides a pop of color, and even a personal style statement, to any outfit. Gorgeous nail art...

Painted nails-especially toe nails-is a reminder that winter is not forever. Those flip-flops will be making an appearance soon. (though maybe not soon enough)

Step by step home manicure or pedicure...

1) Soak your feet or hands in warm water for 5 minutes.

2) Remove any old polish. (O.P.I. brand works better than any I've ever used. But it is on the pricier side.)

3) Rub sugar scrub into your hands or feet. Let sit for 5 minutes. Rinse off in warm water.

4) Trim and shape nails.

5) Paint nails with a clear base coat and allow to dry for 5 minutes.

6) Paint nails with the color and brand of your choice. I love O.P.I. nail polish. My favorite hues are berry colored.

7) Add a second coat as necessary.

8) Blow on the nails without hyperventilating. Wave your hands in the air. Holler at your kids to not.touch.your nails! Do whatever you need to do to get the polish dry.

If painted nails aren't your thing (after all, we aren't all Barefoot Hippies), putting on any make up would definitely accomplish the same goal. Lipstick. Mascara. Foundation. Blush. I don't know why, but I do know that when I put some effort into my appearance, it helps my mental outlook.

To quote Elizabeth Taylor...


Doesn't that look and feel nice! Paint your wagon today!