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Prayer is pouring out our hearts to God. In worship, confession and supplication. It is a pausing to align our will with God's will.
The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. (James 5:16)
Pray without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians 5: 17)
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God which passeth understanding shall keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)
The book of Psalms is a compilation of the prayers of David and others. The book of Nehemiah is a practical study on prayer. Nehemiah did it all-long prayers, short prayers, prostrate prayers... And the Lord's Prayer is a comforting prayer to pray. It is a framework, but it also has majestic words and thoughts that need no commentary.
I find three things helpful in my daily prayer time...
1) Prayer lists. I have certain friends and missionaries that I pray for on the same day every week. It is regular intercession on their behalf that allows me to cover current concerns. I also pray for my husband and children daily. And I flesh out my requests with urgent things on my heart that need prayed for more than on an assigned day. Having a list also helps me remember the ones who I said I would pray for. (have you ever fallen into that trap-promising to pray but forgetting?)
2) A.C.T.S. Adoration. Confession. Thanksgiving. Supplication.
I spend time worshipping God for who He is, listing attributes and such.
I confess my sin-specific things God has laid on my heart.
I thank God for things He has done-paying the price for my sins, keeping promises, safety as we live and work-etc.. Big things and little things-all from God's hand.
I lift up myself, my family, and my friend's needs before the One who is able to do abundantly above all I can ask or think.
3) I pray audibly and on my knees. Praying aloud keeps me focused and on track. (plus I am used to talking to myself-audiblity-so it doesn't weird me out...) Praying on my knees puts me in a posture of worship and dependence.
We pray specifically so that we can thank God when He answers specifically.
Prayer is a invaluable resource. It is crucial to a Christian's daily life.
Why not take time to pray today!