Monday, September 10, 2012

Looking for the Silver Lining

This weekend I feel like I have been on a roller coaster. Up and down-up and down.

Could be hormonal. Could be the two (plus) cups of coffee each day. Could be a combination.

I can cry me a river, or I can focus on what I am thankful for. Trust me, you will thank me for keeping to the positive.

And, let me tell you, when I write a smile or thankful post it is because my heart is full of things I can't write about. I am fighting to be positive.

The girls, all ready to go

I'm thankful for

Mr. Hippie...his love and patience. Even when I am "swingin'."

My kids...they are each a gift. I am so proud of them. For who they are. And who they are becoming. They were very well behaved this weekend.

Meres, i.e. "little fella". I ask you, "does she LOOK like a little fella?"
1/2 Marathons and 1/2 marathon training. Let me tell you, there are very few issues that can't be run/prayed/thought out-over 12 miles. Plus, it's good for the gluteus maximus.

The BFF. Who even left a blog comment last week.=) I am grateful that no matter what is going on in my life-she always is on my side.

For family. Sometimes you can't live with 'em and you can't live with 'em. But, they are always there. And it is concrete and precious.

Mr. Hippie with the Offspring
Coffee. It tastes so good.

Crispy fall mornings. Even though it isn't fall on the calendar yet, the feel and the look is fall.

Chocolate chip cookies and milk. Enough said.

Friendships. Older and newer. IRL and in the online community. You all are awesome.

Older women. Like in the Titus 2 sense. These women who come along side me to teach me and help me. And they are just plain great examples.

Meres doing her thing
Sleep. It heals physical and mental wounds. Everything tends to look better in the morning.

Vertical stripe tights. Yay! Now I can attend the Stripes party in something that is ME. Striped shirts, skirts or dresses really aren't.

Good books. I am in the midst of 5 (!!) books right now. And not a single one is fiction. And each one is blessing my little heart.

Music. It speaks to my soul when words can't.

Family pics. When everyone is looking at the camera simultaneously, no one's eyes are shut, and no one is making a weird expression.

Modern miracles do happen-everyone is looking at the camera-at the same time.
Barefoot Hippie Girl community. For each one who has encouraged me by commenting on here, or by tweeting me, or by talking to me in person about my posts.

For weddings. And the excuse to get all gussied up. Nails, make up, hair dos, jewelry. (Do you like my "I'm channeling June Cleaver" look?) The chance to see all of Mr. Hippie's family-sibs, nieces and nephews.

I'm thankful that school has started. And that Art Prize is starting in just 10 days.

I'm thankful for snuggles, and for hugs from my kids. They touch this mama's heart when she needs it the most.

dancing with his little sister
I am thankful for my Savior who loved me, and gave Himself for me. I am thankful that I can bring my ups and downs to Him.

I am thankful that He has promised that those who wait on Him can renew their strength. They will mount up with wings as eagles. They will run and not grow weary. (even though youths grow weary, and young men lose strength) They will walk and not faint.

I can't believe how big they are all getting,
LC's dress is the thrift haul of the week at $3.50!
I am thankful that God is faithful and immutable. He keeps His promises and He never changes. His word-the Bible, is living and powerful, and it speaks to my heart. Exactly what I need to hear.

What are you thankful for this Monday morning? Leave me a comment.

***By the way, the winner of the Book reader's giveaway was Ann B.! You should have received an email. Thanks to everyone else who entered!

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