She was not created from his head to be above him
Nor was she created from his foot to be trampled by him
She was taken from his side to be his equal,
From beneath his arm to be protected by him,
From near his heart to be loved by him.
Author unknown
Do you ever get writer's block? I do. This morning I had no idea what I was going to write about.
But I tied on my brand new grey running shoes with the magenta laces, (truly they are as cool as they sound) and started pounding the pavement and praying.
"God, what do you want me to write about today?"
And, I was thinking about how I was running without my partner today. And from there my thoughts just snowballed.
Someone remarked to me this spring that Mr. Hippie and I have a rather unique relationship. What did that he mean?
Well, we are partners. In everything. We work together. We hang together. We serve together.
This doesn't mean that we don't follow the Biblical model of wives submitting to their husbands. Because I sure try. As far as our relationship-it would be like a 60-40 partnership, with the senior partner having the veto power. That would be Mr. Hippie-not me.
So while submission is not my favorite word, I submit to my husband as to the Lord. That is my call.
The Premise of Partnership
If we are following the Biblical pattern and mandate of "husbands love your wives as Christ loved the Church," and "wives submit to your husbands as to the Lord" why does our relationship look a bit different than other's?
Well, obviously, because we are 2 unique individuals in a relationship. Every relationship is going to find its own rhythm and flow.
But, also, we have a different foundational idea that makes our relationship a bit unique-especially in our circles. We believe in a Marriage of P's.
I (and from here on out, when I say "I", it includes both of us) believe in roles and spheres.
Roles are are the hats you wear. It is the jobs you do. It is who you are. My roles include being a human being, a woman, a wife, a mother, a spiritual being, a Christian, a volunteer, a teacher, a homemaker, and...
Your roles may include all of the above, plus being an employee, and multiple other things.
Quite often when Christians use the term "roles" they are purely referring to the husband-wife/submission-love thing.
I think roles are much more than just that. Because we are more than that.
God created male and female in His image. He created male and female for different roles. But my point today is not the differences, it is the similarities.
God created human beings, male and female, to have a relationship with Him.
God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for the sinful world-male and female. Believer's, male and female, have eternal life.
God calls believers to serve Him. There are many commands in the Bible that are not specified towards just men, or just women. These include the Great Commission, hiding God's Word in your heart, service, and prayer.
I feel that Biblically speaking, my primary role is to serve and glorify my Creator. My second most important role is as a wife-submitting to my husband, and being a help meet for him. My third role is as a mother. God has given me four precious souls to raise for Him.
My other roles flow out from these 3 primary roles. And my roles also help define my spheres of influence and service.
Instead of looking at my home as my only sphere, I prefer to look at my home as my service hub. A hub is the central part of the wheel from which the spokes branch out.
I spend the majority of my time at home, doing home things. Home schooling, child training, child care, laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc.. But I also have spheres that extend beyond my home. These would include church, online, and other ministries and Bible studies I'm involved in.
God created Eve to be Adam's help meet. Meet means fitting. Eve was specially created by God to work with Adam in the work God called him to do. That is the concept of help. Marriage is a partnership-a match made in heaven.
God puts two people together because together their potential of serving and glorifying Him is greater. Together, rather than apart, they will be conformed more to the image of Jesus Christ.
Mr. Hippie and I are partners. We are two different people with different strengths and weaknesses. Mr. Hippie is a dreamer. He is artistic. He is smart (and handsome-which really has nothing to do with partnership, but its true=)). I am an organizer. I do details and practical really well. We balance each other out. We make each other better. He is more patient. I am more impatient. We are like a rope-stronger for being together.
And, we partner in just about everything.
Life. We are together for the long haul. 11 years and counting.
Parenting. We are working together to fulfill our mutual goals of training and raising our children.
Service. We serve together. We do a lot of children's work together. We both teach. We do training on how to teach. We plan together our own curriculums. Mr. Hippie preaches. Then I partner with him by listening and praying him through. Sometimes we partner by him watching the kids so I can lead a Bible study.
Home business. Mr. Hippie is a roofer. Which is why he is so buff. We partner in this too. He does the physical work. I do a whole lot of the paperwork-paying bills, keeping track of numbers, insurance and taxes.
Running. We slog out our miles day by day together. For our short races we separate. I cheer him at the start, and he is always there waiting at the finish for me. That lone voice I listen for. On the long races (25k, 1/2 marathon) we run together. I set a steady pace, and he makes us go faster.
Equal, but not. Different roles, same goals. With one mind working together for the faith of the gospel. Philippians 1:27
Barefoot Hippie Girl Partners
I have recently added opportunities on my blog for partnering. Being a partner is a mutual thing. You put your button on my side bar for a low fee, and I tweet up and Facebook share you and your posts. The low fee gets put back into my advertising, and paying for things like giveaways. Please check out the details on my Let's Partner page, and consider partnering with me this month.
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, and a threefold strand is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
So, what do you think about partnership? About marriage partnership? Leave me a comment with your thoughts.