The last weekend of August 2012 was a rip-roaring success in the Barefoot Hippie household.
The Barefoot Hippies have been drinking awesome coffee this past week. |
My 3 oldest kids spent a couple nights on a cousins' campout. We went to a Tiger's game. And they got their butts in gear by the 8th inning to win spectacularly. And I forgot my camera. We had a great morning at church. Meres was mobile but I still got to hear most of it. We all got a needed nap yesterday afternoon. I wrote a post about avoiding scams
(here). I got linked up with a
great blogger, Wendy, for Big Blogger/Little Blogger. And Meres learned how to go down stairs backwards. Whew! What a relief!
It just needs some work. |
Oh, and I got to go shopping with just ONE child Thursday evening. I found my elusive
stripes party outfit. And I got 2 other new dresses. Plus 2 shirts. All for less than $45. At the mall. Oh yeah!
Now it is a new day, a new week. The final week of FREEDOM!
And my word of the week is
organization. (not freedom=))
I am going to get this place whipped in to shape! Somethings on the organizational list include
Paperwork. Is there ever an end to paperwork?
Insurance. We are switching brokers in time for all our renewals next month. This means finding a lot of info for the new broker.
Kitchen counters and cupboards. What with Mr. Hippie's new Nespresso machine, I feel like my counters are being over run. I am going to see if there are options for better using some of my cupboards so the counters can be clearer.
not happy with this situation. It gives me itches. |
Living room closet. Not too bad, but some things can go else where. Some things can be gotten rid of. I've got the urge to purge.
Yes, this is a pic of the closet. I am somewhat embarrassed. This is why you don't look in someone else's closet. |
School bin. Take out last year's books and replace with this years. Buy paper, notebooks, pencils and folders. And new crayons. A new year must start with a new box of crayons. Maybe I will get the kids peeling the old ones, and do a melty crayon Pinterest project I've seen.
Thrift haul of the week. Not sure what I am going to use it for. But I love it! |
Basement closet. Implementing a new system for jackets and boots and other paraphernalia.
In other news, I am guest posting over at
Heidi's Taking the Plunge today. Its a hymn story to encourage your heart. Check it out.
Now, I'm off to organize. Wish me luck.
What are you going to be up to today? Leave me a comment. I'll read it on breaks from organizing.
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