It is the second gorgeous sunny day in a row here in MI, a rather rare occurrence. It makes everything seem happy and crisp. Brian almost has the bottom of the front of the house sided. I got up early to study. I got some of what I needed to done. I have a great subject sentence for my homiletics-that needs to lose two words to be in the 10 word limit. Back to the drawing board tomorrow morning. I also am working on a devotional for a shower on Saturday. I think my thoughts are coming together, though they should probably come together in a
written form. I was able to have lunch with a dear friend. It was an unexpected delight added to the day. Now the Hippie-in-laws are descending on us for dinner, and I have yet to figure out dessert. So, of course, I'm blogging.=)
An everyday sight at the barefoot Hippie household,
whether January or June. |
Being a barefoot hippie-emphasis on the
barefoot-feet are an integral part of my life. I mean, I use them to walk. And run. And swim.=) My feet aren't particularly beautiful, or dainty and small. They are long and wide. But they're all I have. I love my toe rings, and colorful polish to keep things looking sharp. My favorite line of polish is O.P.I.. The names they come up with for their polish are brilliant. I have lighter summer colors-mostly berry tones, some corals, and tans. And I have winter colors-an almost black purple, burgundies,
and berry colors. I don't do greens, blues, or purples. Though I have a purple-grey that Elsie likes. Running and swimming is rough on my nails, so last night, Elsie and I had a foot spa night. It was amazing! We put on our jammies, and pampered our feet. First, I got out my two biggest bowls, and filled them with hot water, and we soaked our feet for a long while. Do you now how nice it feels to soak your feet in hot water? You ought to try it! We sat on the couch looking at magazines, and eating chocolate, because that is just a great relaxing thing to do. After we had soaked to our heart's content, we towel dried our feet, and applied sugar scrub. This is not the scrub she and I had made. My sil had the same bright idea for Christmas gifts. Which is great, since we gave all of ours away. We let that sugar and oil concoction sit for a few minutes, and then we rinsed off. Next, off came the old nail polish, nails were trimmed, and a new, bright red coat (chick-flick cherry) was applied. Pedicure at home. For not even a fraction of the price. If you want to make your own scrub-good proportions are 1 cup, 2 T olive oil, to 3 cups of sugar, with about 1/4 of a tiny bottle of essential oil to scent. Just stir with a spoon, and you are set to go. We still have a lot of our scrub leftover. I am thinking we could make this a bi-weekly happening. I should add that to my resolution list.=)

Here's to starting a new trend of pampered feet for the new year.