Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I am Resolute

Resolution: a determination or decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner; firmness of purpose. Origin (Latin-resolutio)-a process of reducing things into simpler forms.

I am certain if everyone had a desk like the Resolute Desk,
everyone would be extra motivated to compose and fulfill their resolutions.
The beginning of a year is the natural time for resolutions.  You reduce your year, and its prospects, into goals to reach, changes to make, a list to measure the year by. And new year's resolutions have a terrible reputation for being broken. This I don't understand. I've been told that I am a very strong willed individual. (my mom bought AND read the book, when I was very young. I'm thinking it saved my life.=)). I decide I am going to do something, and I do it. Not much will sway me. I set my course and away I go. No, it may not be easy, or fun, but it is what needs done. So I just do it. You know? Also, if someone tells me something can't be done, or not to do something, it is like throwing down the proverbial glove for me. That little voice inside me pipes up with, "you think its not possible. I'll show you its possible. Humph!" Well...epiphany time. My bff informed me a year or two ago, that no, most people don't operate that way. Most people aren't strong willed either.=) I do mean strong willed in a negative way-like the way I too often am. And, actually, its been years since I made any New Year's resolutions. I am a goal oriented person, I just have never been that into making "year" goals.  As I look over this next year, I have some small goals and some bigger goals to reach. Nothing huge, like adding another member to our family, or going anywhere exotic(we are saving for that come 2012). Here is my list of resolutions, broken down into what I hope are simpler and reachable goals.

1. Run a 25k, another 1/2 Marathon, 1-2 10k, and a 5k every other month.
2. Be disciplined about my weekly running-training 3-4 times each week-snow, wind, rain, heat, cold.
3. Buy more flowers and burn more (unscented)candles.
4. Eat out less, and cook with Brian more.
5. Paint my living room, including trim.
6. Read at least 1-2 non fluff books per month.
7. Write a paper and pen letter at least once a week.
8. Teach Brian Marcus some cooking basics.
9. Teach Elsie to read. (getting her to recognize her letters would be a good launching point.)
10. Stop saying I'm not "artistic" and learn some drawing and painting basics.
11. Play at least one game with my kids each week.
12. Laugh more.
13. Blog 3-4 times each week.
14. Try a new recipe every week. And be adventurous, and just try new things/experiences.
15. Open my home to friends and family weekly.
16. Say encouraging and loving things, and snuggle with my husband and kids, daily.
17. Climb Sleeping Bear Dunes, all the way to the Lake, with my family.
18. Utilize our State Park sticker at least 10 times.
19. Pray more with Brian.
20. Do our business paper work monthly, instead of only semi-annually, at insurance renewal and tax time.
21. Take dance lessons-waltzing, not belly.=)

22. Live my utmost for His highest...