Monday, January 2, 2012

Less IS More

Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. It may perhaps be the end of the beginning. Winston Churchill 1942

I have not yet begun to fight. John Paul Jones, 18th century

the "as organized as its going to get" closet

the "beautifully organized closet"
Well, after spending many hours sorting and organizing in the basement today, I feel these are apt sentiments. I have one very beautifully organized closet, and one that is as organized as it is going to get while we have so many books. Brian generously gave up about 2 dozen books. That did help. Brian's slow time project, after the siding, is book shelves. I also sorted through my girl's clothes bins, getting rid of non-sentimental surplus articles. I have way more clothing than one girl could possibly wear in any one size. Though now the amount is significantly decreased. Tomorrow I will hopefully tackle the girls' dresser and closet. It all depends on Meredith's naps, but I think we could get through that. I sent Brian on a Goodwill run, and I am ramping up for another. The laundry room is still overflowing, but perhaps....

I told the boys that they had to put together a 300 piece puzzle before they could play anymore Wii or watch anymore movies. Guess who spent over an hour this evening putting together 75% of a 300 piece puzzle? And guess who else actually hates (greatly dislikes) putting together puzzles? It ranks right up there with cutting. I hate cutting because I had to do it every single day in kindergarten. Every single day! Whose idea was that anyway? I did enough cutting during that school year to last me my entire life. And if that wasn't enough to fill my quota, the 2 years I spent on the CWC "name tag" committee finished me off. I don't pick up scissors if I can possibly help it. So, Brian is finishing off the puzzle with the boys. I think it should be done within the hour.

the newly organized office area

And I am sure this quote ranks up there with Churchill and Jones...
Just keep swimming. Dory