We have been studying Israel for school the past few weeks. We had our Israeli dinner last night. Here are pics...not much commentary.
hummus |
pita breads rising |
a loaf rolled out |
the finished product |
Chicken Shwarma-lots of olive oil, lemon juice,
and 20 cloves of garlic, curry powder, cumin, yellow food coloring.
Marinate all day, then grill, and slice thin.
Serve with chopped tomato, kalmata olives, feta, on the pita breads. |
Pita Chips-not homemade=), and salad-with lettuce, radish, egg, green onion,
cucumber, tomato, and carrot. An olive oil/lemon juice dressing. |
When we were done eating, the guys we invited over gave a presentation on their trip. There was a slide show, an awesome topographical map, and mud from the Dead Sea. It was a great evening. I am glad we are studying different countries, and having these dinners. Its been fun learning from people who have visited the places we are studying. We will be covering Israel up until Christmas break. We studied some ancient history today. Next week we will cover more modern history of the land and the Jews. I keep forgetting to take pictures of our guests who share the meals with us. I get my food photos, and then get caught up in eating.=) All the info and photographs everyone shares makes me want to visit each country.
boys with the map |