Having just (already almost a month ago!) celebrated out 14th anniversary, I've been contemplating how we've changed over the past 14 years. 'Cause a whole lot of water has passed under the bridge.
-Then he had his eyes closed in at least half of our wedding photos. Now, he still has his eyes closed in half of the photos he is in.
-Then there were only 2 of us. Now there are 6 of us. From our newly minted teenager, down to our sassy 4 year old.
-Then we both had more hair. Now his hairline has receded a bit. He is nowhere near bald, but he sure feels he is balding.
-Then we rented in a one bedroom apartment, with a tub-no shower. Now we own (2/3 of the way) our own 3 bedroom home, complete with a shower.
-Then we did our laundry once a week at the laundry mat. Now I do the laundry several days a week in my own basement, with my own state-of-the-art appliances.
-Then an 8x8" casserole would feed us 2-1/2 meals. Now an 8x8" casserole feeds us about half a meal.
-Then we were in the minority as far as married siblings. Now, over half of my siblings, and all but 2 of his siblings, have tied the knot.
-Then we were happy to stay up to all hours. Now we call it a night at about 9:30.
-Then I'd crawl out of bed at 4:30 three times a week to swim by myself. Now, he joins me more often than not, but it is a whole lot closer to 5:00 in the morning, and a whole lot less times than 3 times a week.
-Then we'd never dreamed of running. Now we run miles together every week.
-Then if we were rounding our ages to the nearest ten, we would have been 20. Now, the same rounding lands us right at 40.
-Then we were as poor as church mice, and a date was a fancy night in. Now we aren't nearly as poor, and we prefer coffee-, dinner-, and wine-tasting dates.
-Then our favorite game to play was Scrabble. Now, our favorite game to play is still Scrabble.
-Then was the first "September 11" and it rocked our world. We were wondering if there was going to be a draft, and us married less than a month. Now, the 14th anniversary of September 11 still rocks our world. It still chokes us up. It still stirs our hearts.
-Then we didn't own a stitch of technology. Just a Nextel. Now we have a laptop, iPad, iPhone, and desktop computer. To say nothing of my "dumb" phone.
-Then Mr. Hippie bought me candles every month. Now he doesn't. Because they makes me snort and sneeze like a crazy lady.
-Then Mr. Hippie own his own roofing business, and I did the stay at home gig-and loved it. Now, Mr. Hippie still runs his own roofing business, and I am still doing the stay at home gig (with a side of She Plans Dinner) and I still love it.
-Then I couldn't imagine life being any better than it was at that moment. Now, I know better. It gets sweeter every day...
Happy Monday!