Friday, June 19, 2015

Our Week in Cherries Plus Grilled Salmon

It's that week...

Cherry week!

We have a sweet cherry tree in our backyard. Which has been an awesome thing. Some years we get a bumper crop. Some years are for the birds and the worms.

This year is a bumper crop year. There are plenty for us, and plenty for the birds too. Everyone is happy.

Momentos of their diligent efforts... 
The kids have been gunning to pick the cherries since they first started turning reddish yellow last week. They picked their first bowls on Monday, and picked a huge colander on Tuesday. They are having a blast spitting pits randomly. Around the house. Around the yard.
We have put a moratorium on the house pit spitting. We do not live in a barn...

Well, since sweet cherries aren't really for baking, I'll have to share another try of recipe with you.

How about Grilled Salmon?

Summery. Grilled. Delicious. Simple.

Fits all those descriptions!

This recipe is from the famous BFF. She is much more adventurous than I am when it comes to trying fish. I think all my good fish recipes were first vetted by her.

So, there is an oil, brown sugar, soy sauce marinade that the fish soaks in for a couple hours. It makes the salmon pleasantly sweet, but not like caramelized or anything. My kids LOVED it. Meres keeps asking when we can have it again.

Grilled Salmon
Prep time: 5 minutes, Marinate time: 2 hours, Cook time: 15 minutes, Total time: 2 hours, 15 minutes
4 to 6 (6 oz) salmon fillets
pepper or lemon pepper
garlic powder
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup water
1/3 cup oil

-Season salmon fillets with pepper or lemon pepper, garlic powder and salt.
-In a small bowl, whisk together the soy sauce, brown sugar, water and oil. Place fish in a resealable bag, and pour the marinade on top. Seal bag, turn to coat fish, and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
-Preheat grill for medium heat.
-Lightly brush grill grates with oil.
-Discard marinade and grill fillets, 6 to 8 minutes per side, or until flakes easily with a fork.

 Maybe enjoy it for Summer Solstice?