Saturday, November 1, 2014

On A Mission

Well, hello there. It's been a while. I feel like I am figuratively pulling off the dust covers and brushing off the cobwebs on this old blog.


It's been a great break.

To bring you back up to speed...

I left for SC ten days ago. First stop was Greenville, for a blogging conference. It was amazing. Good friends, good food, good teaching. I left the conference feeling fed and challenged and encouraged. So much to ponder.

I was challenged about rest and hospitality and writing well and God's calling and mentoring.

I went in to the conference with no expectations. I was looking forward to hanging with my friends and meeting new people. I was looking forward to hearing Shauna Niequist's keynote address. Other than that, I was an open canvas. I had no idea which workshops I was going to attend. I had barely read the descriptions. I certainly had not made up my mind for any of the sessions.

I prayed that God would guide me to each of the workshops He wanted me in. And I can say unequivocally that He did. Each session was a balm to my soul, if not a kick to my rear.

There is so much that I am still pondering.

Much that pertains to life. Much that pertains to this blog.

I know a lot of people come home from a conference and say on their blogs that things are going to be different in their online space. We say that because we are so inspired.

And, I am going to say it too. Things are going to be a bit different here.

For one, I think I am going to be posting even less. Because I want to write well, not just churn out content for content's sake. I want to write about the things that stir my heart, that make me think. I want to write about my life, and welcome you into my life.

I want to make this a place where you feel encouraged and challenged and inspirited and better about your self than when you clicked over to read my post.

One of the workshop speakers challenged us to write a mission statement for our online spaces and a mission statement for ourselves as relating to our online spaces.

I already have a mission statement for Barefoot Hippie Girl.

My mission is to challenge and encourage my readers to wait on the Lord; to renew their strength; to run and not grow weary; to walk and not faint.

That is what I want for you each and every time you visit here.

Lately I've run a bit amuck of that goal. For the sake of having a post, I've forgotten my mission.  I want to be asking myself with each post, "how does this fit my mission?" And, if it doesn't, I don't want to write about it.

Frankly, I feel that my mission statement is very broad. It includes a whole lot of topics. Health, fitness, food, life, fashion, devotionals. Really, a bit of everything. If it is pointing you to the Lord. If it is encouraging you to keep on walking.

I am still pondering my own mission statement. What do I want BHG to do for me? Not make money. Not make me famous. Not get me a book deal.

But, to improve my writing skills. To foster friendships. To allow me a space to hone my scattered thoughts.

Anyway, I'm not exactly sure when I will craft my mission statement, but hopefully it will be soon.

Btw, we left Greenville last Sunday and headed on to Charleston. We have had many adventures. I will be writing about those later this week. What to do, and all that good stuff.

bc blogging conferences aren't all seriousness

But, for now, I am going to close this up, and go read a book. Sit by a fire with my family, and soak up our last day of vacation.

Happy first day of November!