I always look at the bookshelves of people I am visiting. It may be nosy, but...it is also insightful.
Bookshelves tell stories of their own. Neat and organized or haphazard random piles. Genres and quality. Broken or unbroken spines.
Books are a great conversation starter. Common ground can be found and explored. Differences challenge thinking and can produce scintillating conversation.
Plus other's bookshelves are a great source of new reading fodder or ideas for reading fodder.
Some people have their books displayed front and center in the living room. Some people have books tucked everywhere-shelves, chairs, desks, random piles.
The lucky ones have a library. The really lucky ones have a two story library with a spiral staircase or at least a moving ladder.
I have books in three main areas throughout my home. Alas, I have no official library. And no library ladder either...
Regardless, here is a sneak peek at my bookshelves. In all their not dusted glory.
This is my living room bookshelf. It contains the books that Mr. Hippie is currently reading, the ones I am reading to the kids, and the books we are reading as a family.
This is the book shelf in my bedroom. This bookshelf has parameters for what is allowed on it. The book must either be a favorite or be beautiful. Or both. Notice the presence of Jane Austen and Gifts from the Sea. Did I ever mention that I love pretty books? I do. I have a dream of owning tons and tons of gilded edge books...
So, this is our library. Unofficially. It is packed with a whole lot of variety. Kids books, novels, textbooks, commentaries, classics, origami, uglies-but worthwhile. It is just now full up. There really is not room for more books on it. The spaces you see belong to books that are around the house somewhere.
I think my bookshelves indicate a love of reading by all the members of our family. They indicate the value we place on good books. Good reads.
The kids also have books in their rooms. The boys have a tendency to pile books in their beds. Why? It baffles me. Meres and LC have a big basket of books in their bedroom.
But, me, well, this is what I do with the books I am currently reading...
Their place is not a bookshelf. It is a sometimes expanding, sometimes shrinking, stack on the wing chair by my bed. Personally, I'm pretty impressed by my current stack. Poetry, philosophy, fitness, cookbook memoir, inspirational, historical, new offering by a budding authoress, and a best seller. Not bad!
What would I find on your bookshelves?