Today I have two posts for you to click on over and check is fairly light reading and the other is more devotional. Kind of 2 for the price of 1. What a bargain!=)
One thing that can't be said for summer is that it isn't busy. It is a different busy than the school year, but it is still busy.
Last week, I wrote a vastly popular (insert unladylike snort) post entitled 20 Inexpensive Summer Date Ideas. I mentioned in that post that reconnecting in relationships is the foundation of my summer plans. Time with God, my husband, friends, extended family and...
My kids.
I know, I know-I am with them practically 24-7. But summer is the time to hang as a family. Our focus isn't school work or extra-curricular activities. It is making memories as a family. Memories in the everyday and the once in a life time.
If this is my goal, it requires intentional behavior. It requires scheduling my priority-family time. If I am not intentional, it won't happen. The summer will fly by in a blur and we'll be back to school before I can blink.
To see what all I am intentionally planning into my summer, head over to Misty's blog.
Last week, on Facebook, I kind of bragged that I had most of my own posts written already for the upcoming week. And Elizabeth asked me if I wanted to write a post for her. It took me all of about 2 seconds to say yes. Then I wondered just what I was going to write about.
But, I prayed about it, and God laid the topic on my heart that I have been studying for our VBS this year.
Do you have any idea of how many men and women ran away from home in the Bible? I didn't. Not until my husband brought it up earlier this spring.
Head over to Elizabeth's blog and find out just what I learned about runaways, our problems and God. (here)
Have a wonderful Thursday, all!