Thursday, January 10, 2013

I Will Trust

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5,6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, with all you are. Trust Him because He is trustworthy. He never lies. He keeps all His promises. He is all-powerful and nothing is impossible for God.

Lean not on your own understanding. I, on the other hand, try to be trustworthy. I don't knowingly lie, but I have had to break an occasional promise. And, I can't do everything. I don't know everything.

In all your ways acknowledge Him. Recognize the fact of, or importance of or quality of. He is. He is important-to every facet of our lives and existence. Big things, little things. God is an integral part of my life.

He will make your paths straight. Moving uniformly in one direction, with out a curve or bend. Unswerving. The path straight to Him. To heaven. To being like Jesus.

Joseph's brothers hated him.

Their jealousy set in motion a nefarious plan that resulted in slavery in a foreign land, being wrongfully accused of sexually accosting a woman, prison time in chains, separation from home and family, and being forgotten by the ones he had helped.

Sprinkled throughout Joseph's tale is the phrase, "The Lord prospered whatever he did." As a slave. In prison. Through God's leading, he ended up as Pharaoh's right hand man. God meant it for good.

Joseph is considered to be one of the most profound pictures of Jesus in the Old Testament. His story echoes Jesus' in many ways.

God's ultimate purpose for all Christians is to make us like Christ. That is the straight path He is leading us down. It is the direction He is always moving us in.

That straight path is sometimes smooth, and full of positive and happy blessings.

Often the straight path goes straight through suffering. Unexpected, heart wrenching, life altering suffering. To our understanding it just doesn't make sense. Maybe it isn't fair.

Acknowledging God allows us to trust and rest. Trust in God's perfect plan. Rest in His goodness, and faithfulness.

He is making your path straight. Do you believe this?