Friday, December 21, 2012

Ornamental Update

Well, friends, I have not felt this chilled since...since...since July? Definitely not since before school started, and maybe not even since before we went on our summer travels.

BMV helping Meres get her boots on. Aren't her pigtails the cutest!
I have my cup of tea, and I just went to the library. I got out two new books, plus I already have one that I am only half way through. I am expecting to spend much time reading over the next few days.

School is out and I am on break. And next week my pool will be closed too-so no early mornings. Whew-hew! Btw, I am very proud of where we are at scholastically. All the kids are over halfway done in each subject. And LC has started to read. This is major progress since September. Dick and Jane are being enjoyed. I love when the "reading" light goes on for my kids.

I have nothing that I have to do-well, unless you count the wrapping. But I am just ignoring that for another while. Hey, it's not Christmas yet!

So, while other's to-do list may be growing by the minute, mine is pretty non existent. And I am thrilled.

Friday is usually my day reserved for a recipe, but I am rather recipe-d out right now. Instead of a Small Kitchen Adventure, you are going to get a glimpse of the Barefoot Hippie Girl's favorite Christmas tree ornaments. It will be a light read with lots of photos. Enjoy!

New ornament from Danette Dillon this year. I love it. Vintage and sparkly.

I was trying to remember where I got this as I unwrapped it this year. From Dutch and frugal,
Mr. Hippie, last year. If he bought $X amount of charms for my bracelet, he got this ornament free.
I'm not complaining. Win-win for me.=)

My very first ornament. Yes, I was born in the 70s. And proud of it.=)

This one is special-from my Great Grandma. It was her wedding present to us.
Every year when I see it, I remember her, and miss her.

BMV's first Christmas ornament 

My crystal angel icicle. Started my  love of icicles on trees.

Another elaborate icicle.

I like ornaments that dangle. This was my pick for last year.

My first breakable ornament, given to me when I was 10, by a lady who profoundly impacted my life.
She took time to love on a girl who was, at that time, one of 6 kids, and who sometimes felt lost in the shuffle.

LC first Christmas ornament. Whimsical.

Meres' first Christmas. 

Our tree is very eclectic-we range from crowns....
to airplanes and cars.
Freckle's first Christmas
Our tree is a hodgepodge-nothing Southern Living or Martha Stewart about it. But, it is a great representation of the Barefoot Hippies. We have glitter dipped pine cones, and icicles. We have homemade ornaments from family and friends. We have lots of balls. When I look at our tree I smile and remember how blessed I am.

What does your Christmas tree and ornaments say about you?If you have posted pics of your tree or ornaments, leave me a link in the comments. I'd love to see them!