Does this sound familiar, or does this only happen in the Hippie household? It could just be a Hippie phenomenon. Why? Our liners get particularly dirty because Mr. Hippie is a roofer, and brings lots of grunge home with him. And Barefoot Hippie (that's me=)), Mr. Hippie's loving wife, can't stand dirty shower curtain liners. I can put up with it for a while, growing dirtier and dirtier, but when it reaches the point that the shower still looks dirty freshly scrubbed because the liner is dirty, then I inevitably scrub/wash it. And that probably shortens its already short life. And, if it isn't dirty from Mr. Hippie, it tends to grow yuck soap scum and mildew when the windows are closed up for the winter. Alas. The scrubbing must weaken vital components, because the scrub very quickly leads to tears. And, these could be exacerbated by the younger Hippie set, yanking the curtain open and closed several times a week. Regardless of the causes, we go through lots of shower curtain liners.
Now if you think of a modest estimate of $4 per liner, if you get the cheap store brand, or $6 per liner if you invest in the metal holes, this starts to add up. At $4 per curtain, for 20 curtains, that is $80. Multiply that over the space of another 50 years, and figure in inflation. That could total upwards of $600. And, if you figure the millions of households in the States that aren't buying the cheap store brand, and are regularly replacing their shower curtain liners, I'm telling you, there's a gold mine here.=) And I found it first.=) Investment in liner manufacturers, not manufacturing. Too much work.
Well, maybe not, but at least I've given another fresh, brand new liner, a chance at its own life cycle.=)