What a difference a day makes-24 little hours. Like the sun and the flowers, where there used to be rain.
Its heaven with you. Find romance on my menu. What a difference a day makes...
That's sung by Natalie Cole. I have no idea who wrote it. But I love it.
I decided (a little belatedly) that while I may have used to need projects to keep me busy and not curling up from misery in missing Mr. Hippie when he is away, now day to day care of four kids is project enough. I'm thinking a project-less period while Mr. Hippie is gone next year might be on the agenda.=) Remind me of that, will you?=)
Like everyone else, I am fighting the urge to garden, what with our tropical temperatures here in MI. But, we were near freezing last night, which reminds me that even though it may feel like May, it is only March. Vegetables and flowers need to wait. My herbs have gone nuts the past week or so. (and just as a random side note, I like to purposefully mispronounce herbs with a hard h, not a silent one=)) I do container gardening for my herbs. I have two big stainless steel tubs, and two lime green tubs, that I fill with my favorites. It is ascetically pleasing to the eyes, and it gives me more garden space. I can't use too much of my yard for a garden plot, as the kids also need room to play. Herb gardening was always a dream of mine, and the past few years I have been able to dabble in it a bit. It is so much fun to walk out to your herbs and cut some fresh leaves for use in your recipes-right then and there. My chives have taken off already this year, as have my oregano and thyme. I have learned that you have to use herbs, or you lose them. Within the next few days I am going to cut back all my plants. The oregano will be great in couscous, and the thyme I can use for scarpariello. Chives are delicious in eggs or on potatoes. About early May, I will plant starter basil, tarragon and parsley. My favorite herb is basil. When the plants take off, I make summer pesto(as opposed to the winter spinach pesto I shared a few weeks ago). It is also great with tomatoes, and chicken. An all around all purpose herb. Tarragon is a new herb for me. I make a champagne chicken recipe that calls for it. It kind of has a licorice smell, and has a very distinct flavor. It is the only herb in both recipes that I use it for. I also try to make at least one batch of fresh spaghetti sauce each year with tomatoes and herbs from my garden. It tastes so fresh and wonderful. Absolutely the best sauce of the year! I use my herbs fresh until frost. I haven't preserved any of them yet. Regardless, it results in a lot of bang for your buck. I might dabble in some marjoram and mint this year. Mint is good for couscous also, plus tea. Not that I'm a tea drinker or anything.=)
Oh, and the laptop is back...=)